
Welcome to Student's Ministry at Meadow Creek!

Sunday Morning Schedule

Sunday School  9:00am

Worship Service  10:15am

We are a discipleship-focused ministry, which simply means our goal is to instill a love and passion for God

and his teaching as your child sees us setting the example. We know our time with your children is limited

compared to the daily impact you have as parent, grandparent or guardian. Our hope is to work with you 

by providing a genuine, biblical framework of God’s truth so your children might continue throughout the week

under your own nurturing discipleship and care! Come check out our Children's Ministry this Sunday! 

Teach Me Your Way

7th - 9th Grade (Room D206)

This study is for youth on surrendering to Jesus in salvation, and submitting to His way in obedience. The evidence of a surrendered heart is obedience, and the mark of the obedient heart is reflected in the true righteousness of the person who has "put off the old self" and "put on the new self." 

Rejoicing in God's Good Design

10th -12th Grade (Room D109)

This study helps students understand and rejoice in God's good design in creating men and women fully equal in His image, yet with different roles. Because male-female differences are rooted in God's created design, the only way people can understand who we are as men and women is to come to terms with the Creator and what He tells us about ourselves in Scripture. 

Our Student Ministry Sunday School classes will be using the Truth:78 Curriculum on Sunday morning. Truth:78 is a vision-oriented ministry for the next generations—that they may know, honor, and treasure God, setting their hope in Christ alone, so that they will live as faithful disciples for the glory of God.

Truth:78 seeks to train and instruct the mind, engage the heart, and influence the will through proclaiming the whole counsel of God. Truth:78 is God-centered, Bible-saturated, gospel-focused, Christ-exalting, spirit-dependent, doctrinally grounded, and discipleship-oriented.