Joshua Chambers

Pastor (vocational) 

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I grew up in a Christian home and professed faith in Christ early on but I wasn't truly born again until after college. God graciously used my younger brother to reveal that I was actually living in darkness, though known to others as a Christian. After that I had genuine desires for God, his word, and his people and I was bearing fruit. For over 20 years, he has been faithful to keep and grow me in him. After a few years in ministry and a season at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, God called us to serve with a missions organization in the Minneapolis area (TLI). I have been an elder of Meadow Creek since 2021 and I was delighted to join the staff as a vocational elder in 2022. For 10 years, I have been married to my wonderful wife, Katherine, and we have 3 young children. 

Mike Hutton

Pastor (non-vocational)

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The Lord drew me to himself at the age of 19, during my freshman year in college. From that time, God has been so kind in leading me on this journey of knowing him more intimately and giving me a love for his word. Over the years, he has opened doors for opportunities to serve him in various capacities from college campus ministry, teaching at Christian schools and as a non-vocational elder. God also provided short stints of theological training at Moody Theological Seminary and Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. Over the last few years, God has given me an increased love for his church and a desire to see it grow and strengthened for his glory. God brought our family to Meadow Creek Church in the Spring of 2020. My wife Connie and I have been married for 18 years and have 5 children. During the day, I work as an Instructional Designer at U.S. Bank. I enjoy spending time with my family, getting outdoors to enjoy God’s creation, and reading good books. 

Gil McConnell

Pastor (vocational)

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God saved me at age 16. Since then, he has mercifully guided me through

the twists and turns of life. Along the way, God gave grace to earn degrees

from Bethlehem College & Seminary in Minneapolis and Southern Seminary

in Louisville, KY. I served for 14 years as the Pastor for Children & Family Discipleship at Bethlehem Baptist Church in Mounds View. Then, the Lord called us to serve his church at Meadow Creek in 2019. My precious bride, JoAnna, and I have five children and love to help people find their joy in

Jesus. I also enjoy God's gifts of music, laughter, and time with my family.